5.5) Your Detailed Test Area Descriptions

The report is further divided into test categories. Each category listed in the report summary (such as Diet Management, Weight Response etc.) is described in detail. These pages have information including: Why is this specific area included? What implications can it have to your overall health? What are things you need to understand before you read further?

Figure 5-5 Category, individual tests are grouped into categories. For example, Diet Management.

Once you have refreshed your understanding of the category, each test outlined in the summary page is explained. In your detailed test area descriptions, you dive into the specific test and what to do if you have variations (for example Carbohydrate). Each test panel page provides information required to make informed recommendations based on the DNA test:

  • The red heart indicates the significance of the test – why is this area important and what does it mean for our health. A brief summary of the area tested is given in which its function and significance is discussed.
  • The green power button indicates tips you can follow if you have variations – In the tips to take power over your health chapter dietary and lifestyle recommendations are provided that individuals with variations or risk can follow.

YOUR GENE FUNCTION Provides a general assessment of how your genetic variations may impact your health or susceptibility to conditions. In each panel, one or more genes related to a health outcome are tested. Each gene has two copies – one from each of your parents. The total variations present in the genes determine a generalized risk level. The scale uses wording appropriate to the test results.

Green Zone: Normal, good. Indicates there are at least two fully functional copies of a gene or combination of genes resulting in a variation score of 0%-25%. With good health decisions, your gene(s) should function normally. 

Yellow Zone: Moderate. Indicates there is at least one functional copy of a gene or combination of genes, resulting in a variation score of 26%-50%. It will be important to look after your health to ensure your gene(s) function(s) properly. 

Red Zone: Decreased or poor. Indicates there are two or more variations that may impact your health status, resulting in a variation score of 51%-100%. This is a possible area of risk. Take proactive action to look after your health.

Figure 5-6 Test, each test page reports on genetic variaitons that are reported on related to that test. For example, within the Diet Management category you will find the Carbohydrate test.