In training, particularly in periodized approaches, trainers must adhere to our industry-specific fundamental rules. These laws and principles serve as a safety net and have been developed through decades of scientific research and practical experience. These basic principles help us understand the structure of a training program and the adaptations that occur in the human body as a result of applying these concepts.
At the PT Business Academy (PTBA), we have defined six fundamental laws for training and periodization. We believe these laws form the cornerstone of our understanding of training principles and how individuals adapt to them.
The six fundamental laws/principles for training and periodization are:
The Law of Individuality
The Fundamental Principle of Gradual Progressive Overload (GPO)
The Fundamental Principle of Specificity – Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands (SAID)
The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
The Fundamental Principle of Variety – FITT Principle (Frequency – Intensity – Type – Time)
The Fundamental Principle of Reversibility
The six fundamental laws and principles outlined in the PTBA textbook represent a comprehensive foundation for personal trainers to understand training structure, adaptation, and the various options for program manipulation. While a review of training adaptation literature may yield more simplified or complex lists of fundamental laws and principles, these six key elements are essential for personal trainers to effectively guide their clients toward achieving their fitness goals. With this foundation in place, we can now delve deeper into each of these principles to better understand their significance and application in the world of training and fitness.